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Planning of Information Systems Architecture

Technologies, and the companies' demands for them is in constant change. The today's state-of-art solutions become outdated, and the amount of functions that suited your needs seem limiting over time. But the transition to a new information system and decommissioning of the existing one is a waste of money. While designing the information systems we always choose solutions that will cover both existing and future requirements of the a particular business, and implement the functions that match the specificities of customer companies' businesses.

Here's what you will get as a result of the information systems architecture planning performed by our specialists:

  • Tangible end result. You will exactly know how your information systems and the IT infrastructure will work before implementation, not after it.
  • Reduction in the number of configuration errors. We will describe in detail every aspect of information systems' configuration taking into account the specificities of your company.
  • Harmonized operation of information systems. We will plan the interaction between systems in advance, without any temporary or partial solutions.
  • Reduced implementation time. The precise specification of equipment, software and operation modes will help to buy the required equipment at once, and organize the work of the required number of contractors simultaneously.
  • Protection against incompetence. You can evaluate our solutions by requesting a second opinion of your trusted experts before implementation, not after it.
  • The maximum useful service period of solutions implemented. The equipment and software that was recommended by us will last and serve you well.

While designing your information system architecture, we will:

  • Collect information about your company's needs in information systems, limitations, and development plans.
  • Analyze opportunities and risks for your business taking into account the trends in technology development. We plan the development of your company's information systems in accordance with the growth of your business.
  • Collect information about your existing information systems, and check if they comply with your company's requirements.
  • Build a long-term information systems architecture model taking into account your development plans.
  • Draw up specifications for required equipment and software to build an IT infrastructure that corresponds to your business requirements.
  • Form terms of reference for configuration of information systems in accordance with the architecture plan and taking into account the company's specificities.
To order the information systems architecture planning just call us or send a message via email. We'll contact you shortly to discuss your request in details.
Contact us
+7 495 649-60-96 Moscow, Profsoyuznaya Street 84/32.