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Protection against viruses and unwanted applications

Anything that is not required for work – hinders it. The “Internet Boosters” and “System Optimizers” in fact slow down systems. Anti-virus software fights malicious applications but do not always succeed, and the consequences of their faults can be dramatic. When we organize protection from viruses and malicious applications our specialists do not just block unwanted applications from starting but also minimize losses even in case a malicious code was executed.

The features of the protection from viruses and unwanted applications set up by our specialists include:

  • Protection of information on your company’s computers from deletion or encryption by malicious software.
  • Blocking of execution of applications that are not necessary for work. An office computer is not an entertainment center.
  • Installation of applications on user computers performed by your company’s systems administrator.
  • Protection from user actions. Even if a user will try hard, he or she will not be able to affect the work of the operating system and software.
  • Centralized management of the anti-virus software. You can install anti-virus software on office computers or run the virus scan using a unified management console.
  • Control of the anti-virus system. The system will generate reports on the performance of the anti-virus software, scanning results, and virus bases updates.

We use the following technology and solutions in the organization of protection from viruses and unwanted applications:

  • Restriction of user rights to install applications and make changes to the operating system.
  • Shadow copying of shared folders to be able to recover files that were accidentally deleted or encrypted.
  • Redirection of user folders to the company's servers and their regular backup.
  • Group policies to block the execution of unknown scripts and applications.
  • Resident anti-virus protection at user workplaces and daily full virus scanning of systems outside working hours.

We recommend the use of the following solutions to organize the protection against viruses and unwanted applications:

You already use Active Directory in your company? Contact us and we will show you some of its great features that you probably don’t utilize to their full potential!
Contact us
+7 495 649-60-96 Moscow, Profsoyuznaya Street 84/32.